Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Tuesday-Welcome and Gratitude Ceremony at Elementary School

When the recess bell rang Tuesday at 9:30, we heard squeals and yells as the students ran out into the courtyard and made lines. The director of the school introduced us to the students and teachers. One of the students then recited a poem with such passion that even if you couldn't understand Spanish, you could feel the sentiments of his words. Then, a girl sang a song accompanied by a harp.

Francisco recited a poem  (photo taken afterward during recess)

Singing a love song


Unknown said...

I wish I could have heard the poem and song! Raegan--who won the soccer game???? I also wonder if there have been any basketball games with Lincoln's family and their new basketballs?
I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

Lolo said...

Hey Alli this is Lo!! I miss you so much its cray!! I hope you are having an awesome time down there in Peru...sounds so fun, wish i was there with you!!! I can't find you in any pictures...Peru looks amazing. I miss you like crazy!! See you soon!!

JB said...

Hello Allison,

Looks like everyone is having a great time!
Thanks for posting such pretty pictures and blogs.
Take lots of pictures! Make lots of memories!
Love, Dad, Mom, Jon, Michael and your doggie Reilly ;)
ps Jon wants to know who you pick for the Final Four.

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